Thursday, May 14, 2009

Remove Nancy Pelosi now!!!

I am almost speechless at the gall and sheer arrogance that Nancy Pelosi has displayed over the last couple weeks. She claims to have known nothing about water boarding, but…oops, she wrote a memo about it back in December ’07 detailing how it had been used and how there was video footage of it. She also said in the memo that she knew about it in February of ’03.

But she didn’t really know about it. Because this is all a vast right-wing conspiracy by Bush (who is no longer president) to discredit her and Osam…er, Obama. Really? Yeah, right. Because releasing the interrogation memos somehow wasn’t an attempt by Osam…er, Obama to discredit Bush???


I am beginning to think that there is nothing that makes me sicker than partisan politics. If their guy screws up, its because there is a vast ___-wing conspiracy out to get them and its not their fault. If the other party’s guy screws up, its because he really is the antichrist and will lead us to eternal damnation and all that. But their guy would never do that. No. Not ever. Because they love puppies and kittens and are infallible and will lead us all to utopia.

Why do we not demand better from our politicians? Why has Pelosi not been run out of town already? Why do we not fire these bastards (and bastardettes?) when they lie, cheat and steal from the American people?

How much more brazen bullcrap, lies and monarchy-worthy arrogance are we going to stand before we demand a change? Is this really the best that America has to offer? Lie to me and I’ll keep voting for you because I like your lies better than the other guy’s?

What possible future can we have as a society if this is all we ask for? Hmmm, just ask the Romans. They were once in a similar spot. Oh wait, you can’t. The Roman empire fell. The greatest civilization in the history of the world, dead and gone because of its own apathy, arrogance and avarice.

What’s that they say about history repeating itself?

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